In the same manner, I have always advocated for women's rights in gender equality, I think it has become necessary for us that we show some respect and also appreciate men's efforts too in the building of an independent family.
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Therefore, I agree with this topic: "MEN HAVE RIGHTS TOO." Happily, the world has now decided to observe the 19th of this November as the International Men's Day.
As a human being, from hearing of the word or phrase "Women's or Men's Day, one would be imagined and wondering that why we even had such days in the first place because they could not clearly comprehend the importance of it.
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As for me, I must honour that Day to appreciate the efforts of my both parents most especially my dear Dad at this time. He deserves an accolade, praises, prayers from me and other members of my family because he had seen us through the challenges of life, he had sacrificed his life and all his limited resources to make sure we have a better tomorrow. For this alone, it's enough reason to celebrate all fathers in the world.
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They wake up from their sleeping or beds as early as possible and return home late at night in search of food for their children; they have left at home, in search of money to pay their school fees and in need of everything that will make the all family happy including our mothers while the mothers are at home doing house chores and managing the little they have brought home from their labours and taking good care of the children.
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To make everyone in the family happy, you would realize that sometimes, your father would buy for you what he is in need of but can't use it hence he doesn't have money to purchase the goods as many as he wants for you and himself instead he uses the idea of opportunity cost or forgone cost to satisfy you and his own wants become less pressing needs. You would also agree with me that during Muslims' Festival and Christmas, many children wear new sewed clothes to put smile on their faces but their parents particularly the father who had worked for the money to get all these shirts, trousers, wrist watch, shoes and even the belts had no one to wear than the old ones he had been using over a long time. Not that they are not in need of it too but they lack the money to satisfy all the needs at the same time due to financial constraints or scarce of resources.
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In African, especially, Nigeria and my home, as a man or father of the house, you are the head of the family and you must work hard to do everything for the family before the needs for it even arise because women's bodys are not exposed to hard work except if the condition warrants them to do so but I pray for such time should not visit them because the suffering and the sadness involved have no limit with lots of pains that make life miserable.
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Why then, we won't support both of our parents, appreciate their efforts towards building a happy home for the family, pray for them either alive or late and most importantly, pay back at their old age so as to receive their eternal blessings? The answer remains yes!
In efforts of writing to your weekly essay which I also share with my group members, I dedicate this write-up in memory of my late father and others for their selfless efforts in making us what we have become today and I also pray this night for their forgiveness of their shortcomings and may they continue to rest in peace. I'm looking forward to meeting you here next week Sunday as usual by God's permission. Thanks and my name remains Idris.
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