
10/7/2018. PREAMBLE
We the Gbako students Association of fati lami Abubakar institute for legal and Administrative studies kpakungu minna, Niger state, Nigeria.
"Having" firmly and solemnly resolved, to live in unity and progress as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign Association under God, dedicated to the promotion of our state solidarity, world peace, National co-operation and understanding:
And to provide for a Constitution for the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all persons in our local Government, on the principles of freedom, equality and justice, and for the purpose of consolidating the unity of our people Do hereby make, enact and give to ourselves the following Constitution:-
Article 1.
(Supremacy of the constitution)
1. This constitution is supreme on all Gbako students Association and shall have binding force on All the members of this great Association.
2. This Association shall not be managed nor shall any person or group of person take control of the Association or any of it's organs except in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
3. Any action or decision purported to be taken or meet otherwise than in accordance with the provision of this constitution shall be null and void.
Article 2
Name of the Association
4. The Association shall be known and called "Gbako students Association"
5. The motto of this Association shall be "Unity and progress"
6. The slogan of this Association shall be "Gbakocizhi egborolo"
Aticle 3
Aimed and objectives
7. To promote the interest and welfare of Gbako students Association.
8. To promote Unity among the students of Gbako local Government.
9. To involved the orientation of the Gbako students into the Association.
10. To promote, encourage and stimulate teaching and leaning of education in our community.
11. To pursue our objective without any political objectives that would be detriments to the peaceful co-existence of the Association, the local Government, state and Nigeria in general.
12. To serve as unifying link between the students of Gbako local Governments.
Article 4
Membership, Cessation, forfeiture
13. A membership shall be open to all indigenous of Gbako who is a student in any institution.
He shall be a member of Gbako students Association by purchasing of membership forms and issued identity card.
14. There shall be cease to be a member of this Association where he voluntarily resign his membership upon six weeks notice to the executive council.
Article 5
Obligations/Rights of members
15. Upon admission as a member of this Association, it is deemed that such member have a copy of this law.
16. Abide by lawful rules and give lines as well as directives and decisions of the Association executives.
17. Promotes the aimed and objectives of Gbako students Association with loyalty and refrain from pursuing any cause or action that may be inconsistent with or inimical to the Intrest of the Association and the school authority.
i. Every member shall have the right to actively participate in activities and decision of the Association subject to any qualification, rules, regulations and guide lines of this constitution.
ii. Every member shall pay fees and levies as may from time to time be prescribed by the Association executives.
Article 6
Governing boards
The affairs of this Association shall be conducted and controlled by the followings:
There shall be executive council for the Association which must have been screend by the outgoing executives and the consent of the patron.
The executive shall have general control over all members and committees and, for good cause, may declare any office vacant. The executive committee shall include
1. He shall be the chief executive of the Association.
2. Co-ordinate the activities of the executive and the Association.
3. The principal shall have the power to decide on any matter brought before the Association putting into consideration the views of the majority of the executives.
4. Represent the Association if the need arise.
5. The President shall have the powers to impeach any executives of the Association if more than half of the executives support the application.
6. The President shall be the custodian of the Association constitution.
7. The president shall have the powers delegate any member of the executive to act on his behalf due to to one reasons or the others.
8. On withdrawn from the Association account, the president must be present in person.
Vice President
Shall have the same power as the President to carry out all these activities In the absence of the President.
Secretary general
1. Shall have custody of every documents relating to this Association and shall present them whenever needed.
2. Shall summon all Association meeting on the directives of the President.
3. Shall keep the minutes of any meeting and have them presented in subsequent meetings.
4. Shall be responsible for all writings and replying to all internal and external letters on behalf of the Association except those dealt with by other officials.
5. Shall have agendas prepared and presented before the executives for approval.
6. Shall sign for withdrawal from the Association account with the treasurer, President shall approved the withdrawal of the money from the Association account.
Assistance secretary general
Shall have the same power as the secretary general to carry out all these activities In the absence of the secretary general.
Auditor general
1. Shall have record independently of all expenditure.
2. Shall oversee and record all financial spending of the Association.
3. Shall deliver speech about his record at any meeting if the need arises.
Financial secretary
1. Shall jointly with others executives prepare annual budget for the different organs of the Association.
2. Shall keep records of all subscriptions and dues paid to the Association.
3. Shall keep an account record of all income and expenditure of the Association.
4. Shall collect all the Association income and summit to treasurer within 24 hours.
5. Shall submit the account to Auditor general within 24 hours of request.
Assistance financial secretary
Shall have the same power as the financial secretary.
Treasurer to carry out all these activities In the absence of the financial secretary.
1. Shall be the custodian of the Association finances and disburse same on the demand by the authorized persons through the financial secretary.
2. Shall bank all the monies within 48 hours of their Receipt.
3. Shall jointly with the President and financial secretary sign cheques before the withdrawal of the Association money.
4. Shall keep accurate records of all such transaction with a vie to submitting it to financial secretary.
Public Relation Officer (P.R.O).
1. Shall be responsible for the provision and distribution of all publication of the Association. 2. Shall be responsible for public announcement.
3. Shall be the secretary or the publication committee and keep records for such publication.
Provost Marshal
1. Shall maintain orderliness during the meeting using any lawful means.
2. Shall head the disciplinary committee.
Welfare Director 1. Shall take care of welfare of the members.
2. Make recommendations on any major issue relating to members walfare.
Section 2
General meeting
The General meeting shall consist of all members of the Association and have such powers to deliberate on matter brought to the Congress and reach decision.
without prejudice, to the foregoing section, any decision reached by the Congress must be of 2/3rd if all members and such decision should hold.
Article 7
Executive meeting: the executive shall hold their meeting every Tuesdays immediately after the last lecture of the day.
Without prejudice to the above paragraph the executive may hold their meeting on any other day except on Sundays provided that;
a. Each member are duly informed and
b. There is an emergency matter that needed urgent attention.
General meeting: the Association shall hold it's general meeting every Thursdays for 60 minute and except as otherwise provided the time for each meeting will be duly informed to the members a day before the meeting and the meeting days.
Article 8
Rules and regulations
The provision of this article shall govern all meeting of the Association.
1. All executive shall be the venue of the executive meeting five (5) minutes before approximate time.
2. All executive shall be at venue of the general meeting 10minutes before the approximate time and floor members shall also be at the venue of the meeting 5minutes before the approximate time.
3. Neither the executive nor members shall speak except on approval by the President.
4. Moving from one place to another without permission is strictly prohibited.
5. Permission of movement shall only be granted on relevant excuses. 6. Permission shall only be granted by the provost Marshall .
7. Using of phone during the meeting is strictly prohibited.
8. Any form of disrespect among the executives and the members is strictly prohibited.
Article 9 Sanctions
Any sanctions provided in this section shall be enforceable against any section of this law that is violated.
1. Any executive who fail to attend meeting three consecutive times shall be suspended except a reasonable excuse is given.
2. Phones shall be seized by the provost marshal if any form of distraction occurs because of that phone.
3. Any executive who faces suspension twice shall be impeached.
4. Any executive/member who loot Association money shall be impeach immediately and refund the money.
5. Provost marshal shall have the power to maintain peace in the meetings using any lawful means.
6. Any misconduct by any executive or members which does not have a written sanction shall be subjected to a decided sanction by the majority of the executives.
Article 10 Found Raising
The Association shall have the following as its sources of revenue.
1. Accept donation (whether in cash or in kind) from the individuals, government, co-operate bodies, Associations or organization in Nigeria and out the country.
2. Collect monies and financial Assistance from or by any other lawful sources or means.
Article 11
Vacation of office
1. An officer shall vacate his office either by resignation or sickness or if a vote of no confidence passed on him simple majority in accordance with rules and regulations of the Association.
2. When an office is vacant, the executive committee shall nominate any personal to such office.
Article 12
This constitution shall not be subject to any amendment unless the consult of the Constitutional committee not less than 1/3 of the committee.
The following are the constitutional committee on behalf of Gbako students Association.
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